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Train to live

At Björn Borg we love to train, but not to become world champions of any kind, but to become the best version of ourselves. We don't live to train - we train to live. #traintolive

Our ambition, indeed the basis and why we do what we do, is to inspire others to become better through training. With sport and exercise, we can become more, both in body, soul and mind. You can be anything you want.

Where do you want to be, what are your goals? In order to set up a plan for how to reach them, you need to look in the mirror and see where you are today, from there you can move forward.

Train to live

"At the BORG club there are no preset rules. It’s all up to you.  Here it’s not about being first over the finish line or lifting the heaviest, that’s just bullshit.  Instead, it’s about being bold, having the best ideas and never giving up. We are after a different win, one that matters for real. That’s why we train to live.  The goal is to become a better version of yourself. From you we expect good energy, the drive to be better and respect for all.  Take a deep breath and open your mind. This is who we are."

Training goals

We set our own Get Stronger goals for the year. Try it too! Maybe you want to complete a certain number of pull ups, run a half marathon, do hand stand push ups, or maybe you want to start working out at the gym from not having done it at all before. Whatever it may be, it helps to have a clear goal to work towards. Write down the goals on your phone or in a notepad and set up your plan to get where you want to go!

Sports Hour

Every Friday at 11 o'clock there is mandatory training for everyone in the office, something we call Sports hour. Together with our awesome PT, we then run a one-hour training session. What kind of training it is varies from week to week, it can be anything from a sweaty crossfit session to a relaxing yoga session.

In addition to the Friday training, our Head Coach Henrik Bunge holds workouts every weekday in our Showroom gym, where everything from leg exercises and heavy lifting to cardio and endurance training is done. Training soreness is promised!

Having the fantastic Hagaparken nearby also means that there are plenty of lovely environments for outdoor runs.


No matter what goals you have with training, whether it is to become faster, stronger, or more flexible, it is always stimulating and fun to measure your performance. We do this with a PT test with both running, strength and flexibility included. You're only competing against yourself, and whether you're fighting to beat a personal best or to complete a specific exercise, always remember to have fun. You train to live and feel good first and foremost.

Our sportswear

Here you will find everything you need for training and everyday life, it is easy to dress head to toe in Björn Borg. Of course, we have our popular underwear for both men, women and children. Underpants and panties with stylish design, soft, comfortable materials and perfect fit.

Our wide range of training clothes is characterized by high quality and function. They are stylish, functional garments that are designed to last a long time. Choose from sportswear with a stylish design that will get you through any workout but is also perfect for everyday use. Comfortable training tights, stylish, sporty t-shirts, and cozy soft sets in the form of hoodies, sweatshirts and sweat pants, are just some of the garments we have in our range. Through the garments you wear, you can really show off your style and personality.

Of course, we are also very proud of our heritage in tennis and offer both classic and modern garments for both tennis and padel. Choose from airy shorts, polo t-shirts, tennis skirts, sports dresses and matching tennis shoes - and create your look.

At Björn Borg you will find sports clothes for all types of training. Regardless of whether you are looking for gym clothes, garments for running, or comfortable yoga clothes, you will find something for every occasion here with us.

"I've always been a great advocate of routines and especially now, when every day seems to be the same, it helps me to have a regular everyday life. I like to wake up in the morning and / or do a yoga session in the evening to get my nerves to calm down and the mind. " @bynrobyn

"All these regulations over the past time had affected my training regime. Especially after the full lockdown in December, I lost some motivation to train. But I know that for me training is my life fuel, and since a few weeks, I'm regaining my strength to get out there again and start working out where there are still possibilities. It truly fills me up with life energy and happiness. Happy to be back in the saddle".


"Everyone knows how hectic my life is. On top of that I suffer from endometriosis, currently going through IVF treatment. Im often told that I come across as very strong and positive (which I am very grateful for) and people sometimes ask me how I have the capacity to do the amount of things that I do in my line of work and at the same time handle the psychological hardship that the IVF and circumstantial pain brings along. Well, first of all, the way I personally see it, don’t have any other choice. and second of all, quite honestly, I don’t always have the energy to stay positive and/ or be strong. Sometimes I just wanna eat chocolate in my bed and cry my eyes out. Or why not drink wine with my girls and moan about how much everything sucks.

And that’s all perfectly fine. But I can seriously say that working out and meditating, are two things that make me capable of handling everything so much easier. I feel so much better and more in balance and high on life after a work out and sometimes I feel its better than all the therapy in the world".


"I work out because it makes me feel amazing, it clears my thoughts and makes me focus better, that is why I train to live".


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