Find your Tribe / Leitfaden / Training

Meet our AW21 tribe

This season is all about highlighting the importance of coming together, something we certainly took for granted at the beginning of last year.

Don't wait, surround yourself with people who give you energy, challenge you, and make you happy, on your good and not-so-good days. This is the season to find your tribe.

Thank you for being part of ours.

@mathiasguss , @emilsebastiian
Find your tribe

"I do workouts by myself pretty often. Not every day the schedule matches with friends whom I would like to train with. But when it does it’s the best! Running together feels different. It feels so good when a good friend is pushing your limits and vice versa. I’ve realized you get much more out of yourself with a friend.

Julle has been a friend to me who has inspired me with bodyweight training. Many times I have texted and asked for advice during the day for my training. I love that there are friends like her who inspire me to move".


Working out is so important for my body and mind. And I love to spend time with my girl @preciliaisaksen Our goal this fall is to hangout and workout more, perfect combination for a serotonin boost.


I love going for hikes in our gear with my best friend because she keeps me going!


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