This year we want to make a statement
Our Plan
Bringing products into the world leaves a footprint. That is an undeniable fact. Our ambition is to limit ours and to join the industry in making change for the better. Björn Borg is committed to following the 1.5-degree pathway and cutting our emissions in half by 2030.
All our clothes are classified as a better choice. This means that they are either made of a minimum of 70% more sustainable material or support our investment in Better Cotton.
We also commit to protect you, our workers, and our staff. We commit to offer nothing but sustainably sourced and long-lasting products, to make conscious choices about transports and energy, and to cause no unnecessary harm to nature.
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Better Together
Making products is not sustainable. Period. We can make it better though.
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Reuse & Recycled
Björn Borg has started a collaboration with Sysav, where discarded garments are recycled to become new fabric. With world-unique textile sorting in Sysavs sorting plant Siptex in Malmö, the textiles become circular Swedish raw material for the next step in the value chain.
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Bæredygtighed fra idé til produkt
Har du tænkt over, hvad et produkt har været igennem, før det når dine hænder? En hel kæde af mennesker bruger al deres energi på at designe, producere og transportere dit Björn Borg-produkt så bæredygtigt, som vi kan.
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Oplev 100% genbrugte badebukser
Alle børnebadebukser og langt størstedelen af vores sortiment af badeshorts til mænd er lavet af 100 % genanvendt polyester.
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