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Sustainability from idea to product

Have you thought about what a product has gone through before it reaches your hands? A whole chain of people puts all their energy into designing, producing and transporting your Björn Borg product as sustainably as we can.

What happens along the way from an idea for a garment, until you as a customer stand with the end result in your hands? How do we think sustainably?

Our sustainability work

Here are just some of the sustainability goals and areas we are focusing on going forward:

How will we achieve our goals?

Ideas with a long-term perspective in focus

Our goal to provide you with more sustainable products begins with our belief in a classic timeless design.

We pride ourselves on offering long lasting quality products. We choose materials and control the production of our garments with the greatest care and the products are designed and produced to last a long time.

The work is carried out at all levels with great passion and love. Only together can we achieve our goals. Dare to try new things, to encourage and strengthen each other and contribute with a winning attitude – that is our recipe for sustainable and long-term success, both socially and from an environmental point of view.

Choice of material

Sustainability with Susanna

Great focus on water-saving techniques

A thorough chemical management program

The product's path to the end customer

Our packaging

The garment's life cycle

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Björn Borg has started a collaboration with Sysav, where discarded garments are recycled to become new fabric. With world-unique textile sorting in Sysavs sorting plant Siptex in Malmö, the textiles become circular Swedish raw material for the next step in the value chain.

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