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Ab training - Ab exercises for everyone

Are you looking for inspiration for really good ab workouts? Then you've come to the right place!

There are so many different types of ab exercises you can do, both with the help of equipment such as dumbbells and exercise bands, and with the help of your own body weight. Bookmark the page and try the exercises on your next ab session. Here we go!

Abdominal exercises with barbell

Standing abdominal exercises

Multi-exercises for several muscle groups

Abdominal exercises with weight

Abdominal exercises with barbell

Standing ab exercises

There is an incredible variety when it comes to abdominal exercises. You don't just have to do situps, crunches and other lying ab exercises, there are plenty of effective and good exercises you can do standing up.

Here are some examples:

Banded Clowns with mini-band


Squats are an incredibly effective exercise that trains many different muscles at the same time. Both the buttocks and the front of the thighs, as well as deep muscles in the stomach and back, get to work.

There are many different variations on squats, where you can perform without any equipment or use, for example, a barbell or weight plate to add weight.

Different types of Squats

Squats that you do with only your own body weight are often called Air squats. By adding and holding a barbell high up on your back when you do your squats, you do Back Squats. Of course, you can also do the opposite and have a barbell in front of you and let it rest on the front of your shoulders when you do your bends. It's called, not too surprisingly, Front squats.

Goblet squats - Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell close to your chest with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward.

Keeping your chest and head up, bend your knees until your hamstrings touch your calves. Stand up and repeat.

How to do squats correctly?

When it comes to technique for doing really effective squats, there are a few different things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure that you have a straight back and don't arch your lower back when you start the exercise. it should be neutral.

  • If you're using a barbell, keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width around it.

  • Distribute the weight on the entire foot and keep the heel on the floor throughout the exercise. In order to be able to go deeper more easily, it is a good idea to have your feet slightly outwards. The knees should point in the same direction as the toes.


Deadlifts are an incredibly effective exercise that trains many different muscles at the same time, both upper and lower body. Deadlifts can also help you improve your posture and strengthen your core and back muscles. Deadlifts sculpt your entire core - your obliques and even the deepest abs. There are several different variations on deadlifts and you can use equipment such as weighted barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.

How to do deadlifts?

It is important to think about the technique so that you do not strain the body incorrectly and injure yourself. It's a good idea to practice the technique before adding weight.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of your chosen weight equipment

  2. Squat down, tuck your butt back and bend your knees, grab the weight. The forearms should touch the outside of the thighs.

  3. Tighten your core, stick out your butt and puff out your chest. It is also very important to keep your back straight throughout the movement.

  4. Hold the weight with an overhand grip. Keep your heels on the ground and extend your legs using your legs and glutes.

  5. Exhale when you stand up and inhale on the way down.

  6. When you reach the top of the movement, squeeze your shoulder blades and your glutes and hold that position for 1 second. Be careful and don't arch your back.

  7. Bend your knees and at the same time lean your torso forward as you slowly bring your weight back to the ground again. Keep your back straight.

Pallof Rotation

Effective exercises that train several muscle groups

There are plenty of abdominal exercises that benefit the upper abs, lower abs, obliques (sideabs) and core. There are also many good so-called multi-exercises that train several muscle groups at the same time and are good for activating your core. So even if you're not doing moves that focus directly on the abs, their placement means they're worked hard by compound exercises that hit both the upper and lower body. Here are some examples:

Push-ups - A real classic and a really good exercise to strengthen the entire upper body. Here the triceps, chest muscles and shoulders work, but also the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.

Thrusters with dumbbells - Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and go down into a squat. When you come up to standing, press the dumbbells up towards the ceiling. This exercise is effective and works the stomach, butt, legs, shoulders and arms at the same time.

Lunges - A popular exercise to strengthen your back, hips and legs, while improving your mobility and stability.

Stationary lunges target your glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. You put most of your weight on your front leg and use your back leg to balance, stabilize and support your entire body. You can also vary your lunges by doing side lunges and walking lunges.

Lunges increase muscle mass to build strength in the core, butt and legs.

Burpees - Another classic and a real run-through for the whole body with both strength and cardio. In burpees, you use your body strength as resistance and build muscle strength and endurance in both your lower and upper body. The exercise strengthens the muscles in your legs, hips and buttocks, as well as stomach, arms, chest and shoulders.

Strict Plank to Pike with medicine ball

Ab exercises with weight