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Find your Tribe

Sharareh Hoss

Meet Sharareh

Our new ambassador, founder of Hoss Agency and fashion designer

What does training mean to you?

Training means a lot to me. Training has helped me both physically and mentally.

When I was younger, I played basketball and danced. I've always done some sort of workout. Being active has taught me so much about becoming a team player, something extremely important whether you're on a basketball team or creating a campaign for  

At the moment, I still work out in the mornings to start my day in the best possible way, and handle all the stress in my life with work but also, I realized how much it helps with everything my body goes through with my IVF and Endometriosis but also just make me a happier person overall.

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Collections / Find your Tribe / Training

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Collections / Find your Tribe

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Find your Tribe / Interviews

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Find your Tribe

We’re proud to announce our new ambassador, stylist and content creator @mrjulls:

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